
We aim to foster a life-long love of learning, through adopting a curriculum which inspires and excites our children.

Across our school we follow the national curriculum. The ‘basic’ school curriculum includes the ‘national curriculum’, as well as religious education and PSHCE.

The national curriculum is a set of subjects and standards used by primary and secondary schools so children learn the same things. It covers what subjects are taught and the standards children should reach in each subject.

The national curriculum at our school

To have a better understanding of what your child will be learning across the year, please view the downloads available on this page.

PE times for class. All children MUST come to school on the days below in their active uniform. This can be worn everyday. please remember no jewellery including ear-rings on these days. 

Hedgehogs – Monday and Tuesday

Foxes – Wednesday and Friday

Squirrels – Wednesday and Thursday

Badgers – Monday and Tuesday


Religious education should enable every child to flourish and to live life in all its fullness.

It will help educate for dignity and respect encouraging all to live well together

(John 10:10).

Aspire trip to a Gudwara

Phonics and Reading

Please speak to class teachers for more information as to how your child is taught in class.

We follow Read Write Inc. Click here to download an example of a parent home learning book.

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) - Windmill Primary SchoolEYFS

We are an early adopter school of the new ELG and development matters


Swimming Cartoon Stick Figure - Transparent Swimming Clipart png - free transparent png images -

All children from Years 3-6 get at least 6 weeks worth of swimming. 

In addition there is a sensory swimming group which includes children from Year R – Year 6. 

Teachers and TA across Aspire are trained as swimming teachers overseen by Mrs Steer as the lead for swimming. All lessons are taught by an Aspire member of staff at Sutton Valence swimming pool. 

Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) Development and British Values

At our school we value the importance of teaching children the knowledge, understanding and skills to become healthy, happy individuals who can form positive relationships and keep themselves and others safe. While being a Christian school our ethos also actively promotes our British Values and we teach children to become positive British citizens who can understand and contribute to our democratic, diverse and tolerant society. We use various opportunities to explicitly teach children the values of Democracy, Rule of Law, Individual Liberty and Respect and Tolerance for those of different faiths and with different beliefs.

We have weekly, 15 minute class meetings where important issues are discussed and all the voices and opinions of every child, is heard. These are sometimes led by our school council members.

The children also take part in teacher directed PSHE lessons, where a variety of topics have been covered, for example: goal setting; personal reflection; British Values; understanding empathy; understanding cultural diversity, in Britain and in other countries; reflecting on personal identity and what impacts this (cultural influences); considering what success is and thinking about different ways to ‘connect’ with others and yourself; dealing with change; going green, health and fitness, personal values and explicit British values learning.

The whole school also takes part in and acknowledges different themed days/weeks throughout the year, such as:

  • Anti-bullying Week
  • Safer Internet Day
  • World Thinking Day
  • Children in Need
  • Sports Relief
  • Healthy Eating week and our ‘Well Being Day’
  • Safety in Action
  • Our Cultural Diversity Day

Pupils produce work based on these themes and have collective worship sessions where we, as a school, come together to learn and reflect.

Our British Values are strongly celebrated through displays in all classrooms and public areas and we have class books showing the learning and development in children’s understanding and application of these values.

We welcome everyone to our school that celebrates the similarities that unite us and the differences which enrich us.