
Across our school we want to create an environment where exemplary behaviour allows children to learn productively, both emotionally and educationally.



Within our behaviour policy we seek to find the cause of the behaviour by listening to and talking through the incident by using restorative conversations. Within this we look at feelings and how we can learn strategies to cope with these feelings. This is reflected in the story from Matthew about building strong foundation to enable pupils to flourish.


At Aspire, our vision is to develop the whole child to ensure that every child can achieve their personal best. We want to create an environment where exemplary behaviour allows children to learn productively, both emotionally and educationally, in all areas of the curriculum, so that they can achieve their personal best.

We are committed to creating this environment by having high expectations of personal conduct, both from the adults and the children. We achieve this by having three simple rules, clear and consistent steps for managing behaviour and consistent and fair consequences.

Aspire Federation has three simple rules:

  • Be ready
  • Be respectful
  • Be safe



Parental responsibility 

Expectations of Parents

We expect parents to:

  • work in partnership with the school to ensure consistent messages are given
  • inform the school of any issues at home that might affect a child’s learning or behaviour.
  • model our behaviour rules of ‘Be Ready, Be Respectful, Be Safe’.

Behaviour of the children before 9:00am and after 3.15pm is the responsibility of their parent even if they are still on school grounds.

The care of the children is handed from parent to school at 8.55am and back again at 3.15pm.

The only exception to this is if the child is attending a before school or after school extra-curricular activity.

The school will upon request support parents in discussing incidents of poor behaviour that occurred out of school hours but within school grounds.

Key information

At Aspire, our vision is to develop the whole child to ensure that every child can achieve their personal best.

Aspire Federation has three simple rules:

  • Be ready
  • Be respectful
  • Be safe

Bullying of any form is not tolerated.

Behaviour and Anti-Bullying Procedures Sept 24 ASPIRE

Written Statement of Behaviour Principles Sept 24 ASPIRE

Antibullying Policy (EdPeople Sept 19) Nov 24 NS ASPIRE