School prayer and collective worship
At Leeds and Broomfield CE Primary School we are committed to fulfilling the vision of being a Church of England schoool.
Our school prayer
Dear Lord,
This is our school.
Let peace dwell here.
Let the rooms be full of contentment.
Let love abide here.
Love of one another, love of mankind, love of life itself and love of God.
Let us remember that as many hands build a house, so many hearts make a school.
Spirituality at L&B
At Leeds and Broomfield we believe that it is very important to provide all children with a range of opportunities to help them develop spiritually. We believe that spiritual development may not be synonymous with Understanding Beliefs and Collective Worship and can be explored through many
different curriculum areas.
Our starting point is our pupils’ own “Big” questions about life and from this we plan a series of encounters that open up the possibility of reflection. Finally, the children are
given an opportunity to put into action what they believe and value
Spirituality: –
Awareness of self
Empathy for others
Awareness of the world
We are part of something much much bigger
At Leeds and Broomfield we have created three types of ‘moments’. These support all to think about and talk about spirituality through reflection. These are embedded within our Christian vision and values.
Moments of awe – breath taking – Links to Curiosity / Empathy – flourish
Moments of stillness – in the moment – Links to Honesty – God’s love / important / valued
Moments of Challenge – Links to Resilience / Respect – Strong foundations for all / nurturing.
Year 6 went to Canterbury Catherdal. They joined in with a range of activities and led the Worship talk. I am very proud of all of the Ulcombe and Leeds and Broomfield pupils.
Please see below a message from Canon Dr Quentin Roper Director of Education ‘An immense ‘thank you’ to the children who spoke at the Cathedral Schools Day worship this afternoon. I was so impressed by the way in which all of them brilliantly framed their reflections and questions around injustice. It’s a joy and privilege to experience how schools are enabling children to lead worship in this way; they were not just great advocates but offered a powerful message to both children and adults.
Collective worship
L&B Collective Worship Policy Jul 24 NS
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The whole school takes part in a collective worship every day. The pupils lead parts of Worship everyday and are always involved.
Once a week our collective workshop is led by the Vicar or Missioner from St Nicholas’ Church.
Every other Wednesday the pupils lead worship supported by Miss Nel.
The aims of our collective worship are:
- Explore the school’s vision and how that underpins shared values and virtues. It will reflect on moral values and contribute to academic progress.
- help pupils and adults to appreciate the relevance of faith in today’s world.
- develop the understanding of the Christian belief in the trinitarian nature of God.
- have the opportunity for all pupils and adults to grow spiritually through experiences of prayer, stillness, worship and reflection.
- to develop a sense of awe and wonder
- Pupils and adults to appreciate worship in different ways – music, silence, prayer, reflection etc.
- Pupil Voice is important and valued. Pupils monitor, plan and lead AO
St Nicholas Church
We are fortunate to have the support of St Nicholas Church, which is located opposite the school. Our children are able to use the church for a number of events and activities, such as the Harvest, Christmas and Easter services.
You can find out more about the Church by visiting the Benefice of Leeds, Broomfield, Hucking, Hollingbourne and Kingswood website.