School uniform
We know that wearing a uniform is a badge of pride, creates an identity for a school and is an important part of being a school pupil.
School Uniform Policy – Click
Aspire schools have an active uniform which CAN be worn all day every day.
However for those parents who wish their child/ren to wear a traditional uniform this can be worn on the days that they are not involved in a PE lesson or active PE after school club.
Active uniforms will still need to be worn on PE days by all children.
Active Uniform
The hooded sweatshirt/ hooded jacket/ sweatshirt/cardigan is the only part of the school uniform
that requires the school logo, which means that many other items can be purchased in
supermarkets and children’s clothes shops, as well as the Brigade online shop.
Jumper – Burgundy red hoodie jumper or zip up
T-Shirt – White logo T-shirt
Bottoms – Black tracksuit bottoms or leggings with logo
Shoes – Black Trainers
The active uniform as detailed above will need to be worn on days when your child has PE or an after school activity that is PE based.
Traditional uniform – can be worn by those children who wish to on non-PE days
Traditional uniform
Our pupils are asked to wear a uniform as follows:
- Burgundy school sweatshirt or cardigan with school logo
- White polo shirt or blouse
- Black trousers, skirt or dress
- Red and white checked dress/black shorts for the summer
- White socks, black or grey tights
- Grey / black socks
- Sensible dark shoes
- NO Jewellery is to be worn in PE lessons, (including stud ear rings). Children either need to remove their items themselves or leave items at home on PE days.
To ensure the smooth running of our classes and to cause the least amount of stress (to all), we ask you to ensure that all your child’s items of clothing are labelled clearly with their name.
The wearing of jewellery to school is not allowed and children are asked to only wear stud earrings (one in each ear) if they have their ears pierced. These should not be fashion earrings but plain gold/silver studs please. NOT on PE days.
A small functional watch may be worn
How to buy
Our school uniform can be purchased online