Our policies
As part of the ASPIRE Federation we have an extensive number of policies and procedures in place across our schools.
At Leeds & Broomfield we build strong foundations for all; to learn, flourish and fill their hearts with God’s love. Everyone is important, valued and needed to make L&B grow. We give a quality all round nurturing education which develops the whole child; If the rain came we would not fall.
“As many hands build a house, so many hearts make a school.”
(Matthew Ch 7 24-27)
Respect Resilience Empathy Curiosity Honesty
Our Christian Vision and Values are reflected within in all our policies.
For example within the Admissions policy – we are an inclusive school and ensure that all pupils needs are met, to enable all pupils to flourish – ‘many hearts fill a school’. Within our behaviour policy we seek to find the cause of the behaviour by listening to and talking through the incident. Within this we look at feelings and how we can learn strategies to cope with these feelings. This is reflected in the story from Matthew about building strong foundation to enable pupils to flourish.