Results and performance

Our children are able to experience an education which focuses on developing their personal, social, spiritual and academic abilities.

We want all our children to move to secondary school as their best selves.

That’s why it is important for us to ensure that their academic achievement is monitored and that’s why we want to be open with our families (and potential new families) about how well our children achieve.

On this page you can read and understand our performance across the following areas:

  • Attainment data across the Early Years Foundation Stage, Phonics, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 (SATS)
  • Catch up funding plan (COVID 19)
  • Information on Pupil Premium

Attainment data

Our attainment data is published every year. It collates the data for the previous academic year.

We provide our data across the following areas:

  • Early Years Foundation Stage (Reception)
  • Phonics screening (Year 1)
  • Key Stage 1 (Year 2)
  • Key Stage 2, also known as SATS (Year 6)

Our data is then compared to:

1. The Kent standard
2. The national standard

Due to the low numbers in our school, it is worth noting that the percentages can vary significantly.

We are a highly inclusive school and have a high % of complex needs. Pupils progress well from their starting points. 

                                                    Summer 2024
  • Number on roll = 90

  • EAL = 14.9%

  • GRT = 10.3%

  • SEND = 32.4%   – EHCP = 12 children 

  • PP = 24.1%  + 2PP+ = 26.4%


Summer 2024

Phonics Screening Year One: 81% 


Reading 57% 

Writing 33% 

Maths 47% 

KS2 Results 

(Out of 7 children – 3 pupils EAL / 1 pupil complex need)

KS2 Reading 43% 

KS2 Writing 43% 

KS2 Maths 14% 

Pupils eligible for funding

Based upon our annual January census of pupils, the following pupils are eligible to receive the funding:

  • Pupils currently eligible to receive free school meals (FSM)
  • FSM Ever 6 – children eligible for FSM over the past 6 years
  • Children looked after by the local authority
  • Adopted children from Care/SG/RO
  • Children of parents/carers currently serving in the armed forces

This funding is carefully monitored and reported on each year to assess the impact of how it was used and the benefits made to children. Please click on our pupil premium link under Our School to see our Pupil Premium strategy.

Catch up funding plan (COVID 19)

2020-2021-Catch-up-funding-strategy L&B

Further data and information

You can view a range of further data and information about our school on the Government’s School Performance Comparison website.