As a maintained school and a Church of England School, we are subject to two regular inspections from external providers.
The external inspections provide a useful independent and impartial check on how our school is doing.
Leeds and Broomfield had Ofsted on the 19th October 2021
The outcome of the inspection is the following:
Leeds and Broomfield Church of England Primary School continues to be a good school.
The inspection recognised the many strengths of the school, and in particular the hard work of Mrs Steer and the staff over the last 18 months.
‘Leaders have created a nurturing environment that helps all children flourish.’
The children were praised for their hard work and behaviour.
‘Pupils in this small village school are happy and confident learners’
‘Pupils behave very well in lessons and around school’
Ofsted inspections
Ofsted inspect all schools under Section 5 of the Education Act 2005. Through the inspections, Ofsted seek to provide an independent, external evaluation of schools whilst also identifying what needs to improve in order for provision to be good or better.
Ofsted last visited our school in October 2021
Our school was rated Good across all areas.

Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS)
SIAMS (Section 48) judges the distinctiveness and effectiveness of the school as a Church of England school and aims to help schools improve as church schools.
School governors have a statutory duty to uphold the religious character of the school and to ensure that this element is inspected.
SIAMS inspections are administered by Canterbury Diocese and carried out by nationally accredited and trained inspectors.
Our last SIAMS inspection was in January 2023.
We are all proud of the positive journey the school has been on and how the Christian Vision and values has driven the school forward. Below are a few comments from the report.
‘ The vision is owned by the whole school community, where adults are passionate about the wellbeing and nurture of pupils in their care.This impacts positively on the personal growth of pupils, especially those who are vulnerable. The biblical narrative of ‘many hearts make a school’ is embraced and understood by all, deepening a sense of belonging and growing together.’
‘The school is a caring, nurturing community where wholeness and affirmation are woven into every aspect of school life. This forms firm foundations for future learning.’
‘There is a consistent approach to behaviour management shared by all staff through a restorative approach. This creates a calm environment where everyone is important and valued. Pupils know that their voice is respected, growing in self-worth as they recognise that
it is, ‘your voice, your choice’.’
‘Collective worship is a special time when the community comes together. There is a clear focus on the vision and values. This creates a strong sense of belonging for everyone and a recognition that each one is special.’